Ah ! Nana was a French comics magazine published from October 1976 to September 1978, running nine issues. It was published by Humanoïdes Associés, best known as the publishers of Métal Hurlant, or Heavy Metal. It was the first French publication featuring work almost entirely by women (though it occasionally featured male contributors) at a time when comics were still almost exclusively male environments. It included work by such French cartoonists as Chantal Montellier, Florence Cestac, and Nicole Claveloux, as well as Americans such as Trina Robbins. It sold 15,000 copies on a print run of 30,000, before the ban on sales to minors proved fatal, due to its frequent taboo and controversial material.
The title is a play on words, "nana" being slang for a young woman, and "Ah Nana" being pronounced the same as "ananas", the French word for "pineapple".
Though the magazine was the brainchild of a man, Humanoïdes founder and co-publisher Jean-Pierre Dionnet, it lived up to its slogan "fait par et pour les femmes" ("made by and for women"). It fully embraced both the culture of the French feminist movement and the American underground scene.
At the time, French feminism was starting to use the media to both shock and satirize contemporary society, and French comics (bande dessinée or BD) were reaching maturity and attracting more adult audiences. Ah ! Nana entered the scene at a perfect time for such material. Comics were also an overwhelmingly male environment; many women were shunted into children's illustration, and the few women that broke into the mainstream BD publications were routinely excluded from conferences.
In addition to comics, it carried a feature called "Histoire de la BD féminine", which profiled female cartoonists from all over the world. Its text features covered other female-centric media, including books, television, film, and music. It also did not hesistate to address the pressing social and political issues of the day. From issue 3 on, each issue revolved around a particular, often provocative, theme (for example, issue 3 itself billed itself as about "Naziism Today", though it dealt more broadly with contemporary racism and anti-Semitism).
Issue 1[]

October 1976
Cover art: Keleck
Editorial Staff
- Editor-In-Chief: Janic Guillerez
- Literary Consultant: Marjorie Alessandrini
- Assistant editor: Anne Delobel
- "Histoire de Blondasse, de Belle Biche, et de gros Chachat" by Nicole Claveloux
- "Les Mariols!" by Florence Cestac
- "Andy Gang" by Chantal Montellier
- "Olivia Clavel et Éléctric Clito Présente:" by Olivia Clavel
- "J'étais une Lope à Pedes" by Trina Robbins
- "Untitled" by Cécilia Capuana
- "Jeu" by Cathy Millet
- "Compte Biblique" by Evelyne Faivre
- "Katy Cruelle" by Sharon Rudahl
- "Viens. L'Arène est Douce (Panem et circenses)" by Valérie-Catherine Richez
- "Roman-photo" by Couetsh Bousset, Françoise Alto-Bianci, and Dominique Lacroix
- "Allo Janine!" written by Michèle Costa-Magna, art by Jacques Tardi
Text Articles
- "Éditorial" by Edith Orial
- "Cinéma" by Marj Marlowe
- "Instantane" by Paula Jacques
- "Images de Patti" by Marjorie Alessandrini
- "Les Runaways" by Marjorie Alessandrini
- "Viera da Silva: Peintre Portuguais" by Hélène Rosenberg
- "Marie Duval: Il y en avait déjà!" - Histoire de la BD Féminine
- "Une Histoire Très Personnelle des Comics Underground" by Trina Robbins
- "Le Poisson Rouge" by Arlette Stroumza
- "Théâtre" by Zelda Gardaud
- "Karaté: Jean-Pierre Vignau" by Claudine Conin
- "Amazones: Radclyffe Hall et Le Puit de Solitude" by Celia Gordon and François Rivière
Issue 2[]
January 1977
Cover art: Florence Cestac
Editorial Staff
- Editor-in-Chief: Janic Guillerez
- Assistant Editor: Marjorie Alessandrini
- Editing Secretary: Anne Delobel
- "Tremblez, tremblez, les sorcières sont de retour", written by Rose, art by Cécilia Capuana
- "La vengeance de Peau Blanche" by Trina Robbins
- "Andy Gang" bu Chantal Montellier
- "La Connasse et le Prince Charmant" by Nicole Claveloux
- "Sorpiloro Posapiano a le cœur sur la main" by Cécilia Capuana
- "Untitled" by Aline Issermann
- "Hercule et Omphale" by Marie-Noëlle Pichard
- "Fait divers" by Keleck
- "Trots and Bonnie" by Shary Flenniken
- "Roman-photo" by Françoise Alto-Bianci
- "La Tarte aux Pommes" by Claudine Conin and Mœbius
Text Articles
- "Éditorial" by Edith Orial
- "Cantatrice" by Sylvaine Pasquet
- "Une Nuit à Rungis" by Paula Jacques
- "Cinéma des Femmes" by Marj Marlowe
- "Théâtre" by SOTHA
- "Gazette" by Marianne Leconte, Anne Delobel, Janic Guillerez, Marjorie Alessandrini, and Claire Paillet
- "Pages Arrachées au récit secret d'un voyage enn Inde" by Gabrielle Wittkop
- "Labelle" by Marjorie Alessandrini
- "Histoire de la BD féminine: Tove Jansson" by Pierre Couperie
- "Agatha, le Mystère..." by Celia Gordon and François Rivière
Issue 3[]

April 1977
Danger: Nazisme Aujourd'hui (Naziism Today)
Cover Art: Fevre
Editorial Staff
- Editor-in-chief: Janic Guillerez
- Assistant Editor: Marjorie Alessandrini
- Editing Secretary: Anne Delobel
- "Plance Neiche" by Nicole Claveloux
- "Trots and Bonnie" by Shary Flenniken
- "Visite Inattendue" by Cécilia Capuana
- "Le Brigadier Andy Gang" by Chantal Montellier
- "Les Joueur de Baise" by Olivia Clavel
- "Untitled" by Aline Issermann
- "Untitled" by Noëlle Joly
- "Un Médecin Nous Révèle" by Mona
- "Lulu est due Retour" by Trina Robbins
- "L'Une Chante l'Autre Pas: Roman-Photo" by Agnès Varda
- "L'Père Raoul et Niace Podouce" written by Evane Hanska art by Richard "F'Murr" Peyzaret
Text Articles
- "Editorial" by Edith Orial
- "Dossier: Nazisme Aujourd'hui" by Paula Jacques, Jocelyne Signoret, Charlotte R., Sotha Aline Issermann, and Myriam Anissimov
- "Une Plainte Continue Mont du Fond des Ergastules" by Adélaïde Blasquez
- "Histoire de la BD féminine: Grace Drayton" by Pierre Couperie
- "Gazette" by Janic Guillerez, Marjorie Alessandrini, Carole Pither, Marcia Tucker, Claude Mangin, and Celia Gordon
Issue 4[]

June 1977
Dossier: La Mode Démodée (Unfashionable Fashion)
Cover Art: Nicole Claveloux
Editorial Staff
- Editor-in-Chief: Janic Guillerez
- Assistant Editor: Marjorie Alessandrini
- Editing Secretary: Anne Delobel
- Layouts: Keleck and Catherine Bosson
- "L'Hérésiarque" by Anne Coster
- "Fait Divers" by Keleck
- "Récidébile Numéro 1 & 2" by Nicole Claveloux
- "La Mode ou la Frime" by Françoise Ménager
- "Le Duel" by Marie-Noëlle Pichard
- "Modemorphose" by Cécilia Capuana
- "Hedy La Pute" by Trina Robbins
- "Le Brigadier Andy Gang" by Chantal Montellier
- "Fred" by Lili Whitecat
- "Trots and Bonnie" by Shary Flenniken
- "Untitled" by Florence Cestac
- "Une brèche Miss Blue" by Valérie Richez
- "Femme, Folle, Belle" by Anne-Marie Simond
- "Untitled" by Doyonnard
- "Une histoire exemplaire" by Mona
- "Untitled" by Aline Issermann
- "Mode" by Jean-Louis Tripier
- "Le Puit" by Loup
Text Articles
- "Éditorial" by Edith Orial
- "Dossier" by Marlène Jarlegan, Paula Jacques, Claire Paillet, Wanda Makowski, Sylvaine Pasquet, Kriss, Claude Mangin, Aline Issermann, and Jocelyne Signoret
- "Histoire de la BD féminine: Shary Flenniken" by Pierre Couperie
- "Dritto filo - enquête autour d'un patron" by Huguette Champroux
- "Gazette" by Marjorie Alessandrini, Janic Guillerez, Celia Gordon, Barbara Graille, Marlène Jarlegan, Claude Mangin, Sylvie Moinet, Claire Paillet, Jocelyne Signoret, Claire Clouzot
Issue 5[]

September 1977
Dossier: Hommes (Men)
Cover Art: Lili Whitecat
Editorial Staff
- "Andy Gang" by Chantal Montellier
- "Rockette" by Baby, Voss
- "Mâle" by Cécilia Capuana
- "Le petit légume qui rêvait d’être une panthère" by Nicole Claveloux
- "Lulu goes to Paris" by Trina Robbins
- "Untitled" by Aline Issermann
- "Die Bubbeh" by Sharon Rudahl
- "They came from space" by M.K. Brown
- "Trots and Bonnie" by Shary Flenniken
- "Blondine" by Sergio Macedo
- "Bunnies of 1977" by Chantal Montellier
Text Articles
- "Editorial"
- "Le mystère masculin" by Kriss
- "Omar Sharif" by Claude
- "Si vous étiez une femme?" by Sylvaine Pasquet
- "L’oiseau rare" by Claire Paillet
- "Le nouveau mâle amoureux" by C. G.
- "Le M.L.H. de guerre" by Paula Jacques
- "Le mâle tricolore" by Sylvie Moinet
- "Il était grand, il était beau" by Sotha
- "Un = (homme + femme)" by Wanda Malowski
- "Les dents du verre" by Thérame
- "Gazette" by Paillet, Leconte M., Pither, Thérame, Clouzot, Mangin, Moinet, Graille, Porot, Signoret J.
- "Histoire de la BD féminine: Grazia Nidasio" by Pierre Couperie
Issue 6[]

December 1977
Le Sexe et les Petites Filles (Sex and Little Girls)
Cover Art: Liz Bijl
Editorial Staff
- "Une gamine toujours dans la lune" by Nicole Claveloux
- "Andy Gang" by Chantal Montellier
- "Untitled" by Aline Issermann
- "Inès de Las Sierras" by Marie-Noëlle Pichard
- "La religion dans la rue" by Berthouzé
- "Trots and Bonnie: Sur la défensive" by Shary Flenniken
- "Le miroir à 2 faces" by Garaude, Garnot
- "Viens et sois ma poupée d’amour" by Trina Robbins
- "Curiosité" by Cécilia Capuana
- "L’agent secret" by Sharon
- "Mam’ 1920–1976" by Chantal Montellier
- "Untitled" by Cécilia Capuana
Text Articles
- "Editorial: Le sexe et les petites filles"
- "Page de Sotha" by Sotha
- "Une petite fille comme les autres à peu près" by Kriss
- "Les enfants de la nuit" by Jones
- "Les enfants d’un autre siècle"
- "Danger petite fille" by Bouteille
- "Autobio" by Sylvanie Pasquet
- "Le droit de votre enfant à la sexualité" by Marianne Leconte
- "The Runaways" by Jones
- "Histoire de la BD féminine" by Pierre Couperie
- "Gazette" by Marianne Leconte, Thérame, Sylvie Moinet, Celia Gordon, Clouzot
Issue 7[]

March 1978
La France Cruelle (Cruel France)
Cover by Liz Bijl
Editorial Staff
- Editor in Chief: Janic Guillerez
- Editing Secretary: Janie Jones
- Literary Adviser: Celia Gordon
- "Andy Gang" by Chantal Montellier
- "Piquer, Lucas et Fermin" by Mariscal
- "Bavardages souterrains" by Nicole Claveloux
- "Et vive la vie!" by Petchesky and The Mad Peck
- "Où est Gwendoline?" by Cécilia Capuana and Rossati
- "Rosie la riveteuse" by Trina Robbins
- "Untitled" by Aline Issermann
- "Auto–portrait" by M.K. Brown
- "Le tiers–état" by Chantal Montellier
- "Rue des Lombards" by André Michelangeli
Text articles
- "La France cruelle"
- "Page de Sotha" by Sotha, Fevre
- "De Sade à Masoch en passant par Grillet" by Isabelle Sacuto
- "Le cuir et le baston" by Marianne Leconte
- "L’encre rouge" Janie Jones
- "Une semaine à la télévision"
- "La violence plate" by Nancy Huston
- "La France bardée de cuir" by Emilie Labroux
- "Ciné–meurtres" by Janie Jones
- "Une bande d’impuissants" by Marianne Leconte
- "Les femmes, créatures inférieures? C’est la faute à Moïse" by Emilie Labroux
- "Slits" by Janie Jones
- "Gazette" by Françoise Grassin, Isabelle Sacuto, Evelyne Caron–Lowins, Sylvie Moinet, Lenfant, Victoire Thérame
Issue 8[]

June 1978
Homosexualité – Trans sexualité (Homosexuality - Transexuality)
Cover by: Fevre
- "Histoire de clounes" by Nicole Claveloux
- "Harry Mickson: Travesti" by Florence Cestac
- "La marquise" by Marie-Noëlle Pichard
- "Andy Gang" by Chantal Montellier
- "Fantasme et réalité" by Fevre, Clodine
- "Trots and Bonnie" by Shary Flenniken
- "La mère noire" by Cécilia Capuana
- "Divine" by Chantal Montellier
Text articles
- "Un peu d’histoire" by Alice
- "Témoignage" by Anne
- "Ces amants et ces amantes" by Sacuto
- "Transe, transe, transe!" by Grassin
- "Homos" by Lenfant
- "Et vice versa"
- "Esclaves aux enchères" by Lenfant
- "Ces amants et ces amantes" by Sacuto
- "Gay USA" by Lenfant
- "Tous des pédés" by Sotha
- "Bobonettes" by Thérame
- "Glissements progressifs du plaisir" by Chris
- "Gazette" by Caron–Lowins, Jones, Sylie Moinet, Sacuto, Jocelyne Signoret , Thérame, Wanda
- "Docteur renaissance Miss Smith" by Jocelyne Signoret
Issue 9[]

September 1978
L’Inceste (Incest)
Cover Artist: Liz Bijl
- "Le plus grand amour" by Cécilia Capuana
- "Untitled" by R. Crumb
- "Vampir" by Marie-Ange Le Rochais
- "La courageuse super Betty" by Luc Cornillon
- "Game over" by Chantal Montellier
- "On a volé Gloria" by Barbetti and Pelissier
- "La drogue démoniqaue de la martienne" by Trina Robbins
- "Sandrine un cœur blessé" by Yves Chaland
- "Doris et compagnie" by Cecile de Filippi
- "Histoire d’eau" by Nicole Claveloux and Cothias
- "Fantasmez, fantasmez, il en restera toujours quelque chose!" by Daniel Ceppi and Vepy
Text articles
- "AH! NANA interdit par des hommes" by Lenfant and Chantal Montellier
- "Exogamie"
- "Lettre ouverte à la rédaction" by Sotha
- "Ciné tabou" by Grassin
- "Rêves de chair" by Sacuto
- "J’inceste donc je suis!" by Thérame
- "Feminoscope" by Sacuto
- "Histoire de la BD féminine: Fanny Y. Cory" by Pierre Couperie
- "Gazette" by Jones, Thérame, Sacuto, Moinet, Jocelyne Signoret, Caron–Lowins
Collections & Reprints[]
In 1982, Swedish publisher Medusa collected and translated a selection of comics from the whole series as Spegelns ansikte.[1][2]
- Talet, Virginie, "Le magazine Ah ! Nana : une épopée féministe dans un monde d’hommes ?" CLIO: Histoires, femmes et sociétés 24-2006. pp. 251-272